Xiwang-2 (Hoffnung)
Satellite | Status | NORAD | Uplink | Downlink | Beacon | Mode | Callsign | Reports | Info | IARU freq coord | Telemetry Decoder |
XW-2E | ACTIVE | 40909 | 435.270 – 435.290 | 145.915 – 145.935 | 145.910 145.890 |
CW 9k6 GMSK |
BJ1SF | latest report | details | YES | ![]() ![]() |
Am 19.09.2015, 23:01:14 UTC startete eine CZ-6 Rakete (Langer Marsch 6) vom Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center in Shanxi (China) und brachte 20 Satelliten ins All.
Mit dem Debüt einer neuen Familie von Trägerraketen begann China eine neue Ära in der Erforschung des Weltraums.Mit einer Länge von fast 30m und einer Gesamtmasse beim Start von 103.217kg ist die CZ-6 für den Start kleinerer Nutzlasten konzipiert.
An Bord waren unter anderem sechs XW-2 (CAS-3A-F) Amateurfunksatelliten, die von DFH Satellite Co. Ltd und CAMSAT entwickelt wurden.
U/V Mode Linear Transponder: 100 mW, 20 kHz Bandbreite, invertierend
Technische Daten
- Cubesatstruktur
- Dimension: 110mm x 110mm x 110mm
- Masse: 1.5kg
- Stabilisierung: Lagestabilisierung mit Permanentmagnet
- Antennen: 1/4 lambda Monopol VHF Antenne mit 0dBi Gewinn (+Z Seite) und ein 1/4 lambda Monopol UHF Antenne mit 0dBi Gewinn (-Z Seite)
- 5 body mounted Solar Panels: 20x40mm 30% Triple Junction GaAs Solar Cells
- Lithium ion battery: 1.8AH, 8.4V
- Average power: 2W
UHF und VHF Strahlungsdiagramme
CW Beacon Telemetry
145.910 MHz, CW 50mW, 22wpm
bj1sf dfh xw2 xw2 aaaa iube kb6i ainn i4ab urib 6imk afie 4bia iait 4fir 4ett tttt tttt tmn4 tttt mvt4 ik4t dddd dddd dddd dddd dddd dddd camsat camsat bj1sf dfh xw2 xw2 aaaa ivba kbkk ainn i4bb urit 6ick a4ib inia iait 4fit 4ett tttt tttt tfn4 tttt mvt4 ikkm dddd dddd dddd dddd dddd dddd camsat camsat bj1sf dfh xw2 xw2 aaaa ivbc kb6d ainn i4b4 urvi 6ick aeie 6kia iait 4fit 4ett tttt tttt t6n4 tttt mvt4 ikkt dddd dddd dddd dddd dddd dddd camsat camsat
CW Telemetrie
digital telemetry
145.890 MHz, 9k6 GMSK AX.25
XW-2E flight module in test, credits: Alan Kung BA1DU
XW-2E and F prototype vibration test, credits: Alan Kung BA1DU
Testing separating mechanism of XW-2E, credits: Alan Kung BA1DU
Six amateur radio payload flight modules of XW-2 in thermal vacuum test, credits: Alan Kung BA1DU
XW-2 thermal vacuum test, credits: Alan Kung BA1DU
Testing amateur radio assembly of XW-2, credits: Alan Kung BA1DU
schematic view of twenty satellites in rocket.jpg, credits: Alan Kung BA1DU
28 Oct 2015 last telemetry received
1 Jul 2018 XW-2E is back and active in sunlight (low voltage)
After deployed in space XW-2E worked very well, one of our members tested the satellite software configuration function, but he sent an error command when the satellite was in the software configuration state, and it led to the VHF antenna release line cuter worked again, you know, this is very power consuming operation. At the time, the satellite has already flown out of China, we have not had time to turn it off instantly, the battery It runs out quickly and is in an unrecoverable state.
I think there are two factors that lead to the satellite to resume working intermittently.
1. The battery, XW-2E is using two series connected 18650 lithium-ion batteries, after almost three years of suffering, it may gradually change from short circuit to high resistance.
2. Antenna release line cuter, we use a 18 ohm 1/2watt resistor to blow the nylon thread, after a long-term overload, it’s resistance may become higher.
The satellite DC/DC converter can work normally when the primary bus voltage is higher than about 4.2V. Anyway we will send command and try to turn of VHF antenna deploy switch, and then to see what happens, this may require a higher primary bus voltage because the switch is a 6V electromagnetic relay and a current limiting resistor is connected in series.
73! Alan, BA1DU