PolySat CP-10 (ExoCube)

Ballistic Reinforced Communication Satellite

ExoCube is a space weather satellite sponsored by the National Science Foundation. It’s primary mission is to directly measure the density of Hydrogen, Oxygen, Helium and Nitrogen in the upper atmosphere. Cal Poly is designing the core satellite bus, while the scientific payload is supplied by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). The University of Wisconsin, Madison and Scientific Solutions, Inc. (SSI) are developing the scientific objectives and providing guidance for instrument development.


NASA-Catalog: 40380


437.270 MHz, 9k6 FSK AX.25




INACTIVE, antennas are not deployed

Orbital Parameter

NORAD                   40380
COSPAR designator       2015-003-E  
Inclination             99.121
RA of A. Node           248.133
Eccentricity            0.0161070
Argument of Perigee     125.470
Revs per day            15.06534217
Period                  1h 35m 35s (95.58 min)
Semi-major axis         6 925 km
Perigee x Apogee        435 x 658 km
BStar (drag term)       0.000151350 1/ER
Mean anomaly            236.168


he scientific payload includes two instruments that are collectively referred to as EXOS. The instruments are the Neutral Static Energy Angle Analyzer (NSEAA), the Ion Static Energy Analyzer (ISEAA), and the Total Ion Monitor (TIM). The scientific payload that is performing the experimental measurement acquisition was supplied by NASA-GSFC. The University of Wisconsin – Madison is performing tests and analysis on the acquired data. ExoCube uses an active control system to point itself in the desired direction for measurements, and uses passive control to maintain this orientation.


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