CubeSat XI-V

Vorbereitung des CubeSat

Pünktlich um 0652 UTC hob am 27.10.2005 die russische Trägerrakete Kosmos-3M vom Kosmodrom Plesetsk erfolgreich ab. Die Payload bestand aus den 6 Satelliten Mozhayets-5 (Russland), Sina-1 (Iran), dem chinesischen BEIJING-1 , dem englischen Erdbeobachtungssatellit TopSat , SSETI Express (European Space Agency) mit dessen weiteren 3 CubeSats NCube-2 (Norwegen), UWE-1 und XI-V (Japan). Auf der letzten Raketenstufe der COSMOS-3M Rakete ist eine weitere aktive Satellitennutzlast RUBIN-5 (SAFIR-S) installiert, die nach Aussetzen der primären und sekundären Satellitennutzlasten im Orbit verbleibt und technischen Experimenten dient.

Der Name von ISSL’s CubeSat ist „XI“ ([ sai ] X-Faktor, Forscher). Abgeleitet von seiner quadratischen Form (XI bedeudet Domino auf japanisch) stellt er den nachforschenden Geist in Richtung zur Neuerkenntnis und zur Technologie dar.


437,345 MHz FM FSK AX.25, 1k2, 800mW
437,465 MHz CW 50wpm, 80 mW




ACTIVE h3>Orbital Parameter

Name                XI-V
NORAD               28895
COSPAR Bezeichnung  2005-043-F  
Inklination (Grad)  98.187
RAAN                199.415
Excentrizität       0.0018310
ARGP                165.839
Umläufe pro Tag     14.59301973
Periode             1h 38m 40s (98.67 Min)
Semi-major axis     7074 km
Perigäum x Apogäum  682 x 708 km


Status Frames
XIC01 a b  V  c d  I  e f  S  g h i j k l  T  m n o p q r s t u v w x y
Status and flags of XI-V including voltage, current, temperature etc.

a : number of command reception (1byte)
b : OBC time (6bytes)

c : voltage of secondary batteries (2bytes)
d : voltage of solar array (2bytes)

e : charging current (2bytes)
f : consumption current of CDC (2bytes)

g : Solar array current of +X Panel (2bytes)
h : Solar array current of -X Panel (2bytes)
i : Solar array current of +Y Panel (2bytes)
j : Solar array current of -Y Panel (2bytes)
k : Solar array current of +Z Panel (2bytes)
l : Solar array current of -Z Panel (2bytes)

m : Solar array Temperature of +X Panel (2bytes)
n : Solar array Temperature of -X Panel (2bytes)
o : Solar array Temperature of +Y Panel (2bytes)
p : Solar array Temperature of -Y Panel (2bytes)
q : Solar array Temperature of +Z Panel (2bytes)
r : Solar array Temperature of -Z Panel (2bytes)
s : Temperature of secondary batteries (2bytes)

t : Temperature of FM transmitter (2bytes)
u : status flags
  (0:LSB -- 7:MSB)
  0:telemetry mode (0:detail&nbsp1;:rough)
  1-7:overwrite of camera ROM (0:enable 1:disable)
v : status flags
  (0:LSB -- 7:MSB)
  0-4:uplink counter
  5-7:camera counter
w : status flags
  (0:LSB -- 7:MSB)
  0-2:SEL reset counter
  3:antenna deployment (0:NO 1:YES)
  4-5:CW mode (0:Duty0 1:less than default 2:default 3:more than default)
  6:cause of reset (0:normal 1:WDT)
  7:charge flag (0:charging 1:disable)
x : work in progress flags
  (0:LSB -- 7:MSB)
  0:Tx command
  2:Not Used(0)
  5:Not Used(0)
  6:serial communication to other equipment
y : operating conditions of camera (0:OFF 1:ON)
Transformation fomula   

Transformation formula from data to voltage, current and temperature as follows:

c :voltage of secondary batteries
A data is given in hexadecimal. Please change a hexadecimal number to a decimal number, 
and substitute the data into following equation.
voltage=data/255*4.5 [V]

voltage=15/255*4.5=0.26 [V]

d :voltage of solar array
A data is given in hexadecimal. Please change a hexadecimal number to a decimal number, 
and substitute the data into following equation.
voltage=data/255*4.5*74.9/18.7 [V]

voltage=160/255*4.5*74.9/18.7=11.3 [V]

e :charging current
A data is given in hexadecimal. Please change a hexadecimal number to a decimal number, 
and substitute the data into following equation.
voltage=data/255*4.5/100 [mA]

f :consumption current of CDC
A data is given in hexadecimal. Please change a hexadecimal number to a decimal number, 
and substitute the data into following equation.
voltage=data/255*4.5*392 [mA]

g-l :Solar array current
A data is given in hexadecimal. Please change a hexadecimal number to a decimal number, 
and substitute the data into following equation.
 +X Panel=data*2.3957+2.7037 [mA]
 -X Panel=data*2.3823+2.3217 [mA]
 +Y Panel=data*2.4234+1.6915 [mA]
 -Y Panel=data*2.3724+3.2306 [mA]
 +Z Panel=data*2.3840+2.1696 [mA]
 -Z Panel=data*2.4341+4.7714 [mA]

m-r :Solar array Temperature
A data is given in hexadecimal. Please change a hexadecimal number to a decimal number, 
and substitute the data into following equation.
 +X Panel=data*0.5896+65.614 [deg]
 -X Panel=data*0.5916+66.133 [deg]
 +Y Panel=data*0.5862+65.813 [deg]
 -Y Panel=data*0.5846+66.280 [deg
 +Z Panel=data*0.5880+64.903 [deg]
 -Z Panel=data*0.5932+66.483 [deg]

s :Temperature of secondary batteries
A data is given in hexadecimal. Please change a hexadecimal number to a decimal number, 
and substitute the data into following equation.
 Temperature=data*0.5948-67.203 [deg]

t :Temperature of FM transmitter
A data is given in hexadecimal. Please change a hexadecimal number to a decimal number, 
and substitute the data into following equation.
Temperature=data*0.5811-67.055 [deg]
CW Beacon Format
Transmit Data Format
Binary data is given in hexadecimal. CW transmitter sends high-order bits and low-order 
bit in twice.
For example,a=0xc0 is separated into "c" and "0" and sent respectively.

XIV1 [AA] [BB] [CC]
OBC (On-Board Computer) Time. XI-V counts time with 3 bytes. 1 count of OBC time nearly 
equals 1 second. Maximum value is 0xFFFFFF, which means approximately 191 days.

XIV2 [DD] [EE] [FF] [GG]
[DD] [EE]: Status and flags including uplink counter, camera overwrite status, and charge 
status, etc.
[FF]: Status and flags including OBC survival flag, data sending status, etc.
[GG]: AD conversion value of RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator). This is the maximum 
value of RSSI while XI-V is sending XIV1 to XIV2.

XIV3 [HH] [II] [JJ]
Temperature and voltage received from communication subsystem. It may be different from the 
data of XIV6 because of the accuracy.
[HH]: AD conversion value of the voltage of secondary batteries.
[II]: AD conversion value of the voltage of solar array.
[JJ]: AD conversion value of the temperature of secondary batteries.

Solar array current measurement data received from OBC.
[KK]: Current of +X Panel, [LL]: Current of -X Panel, [MM]: Current of +Y Panel,
[NN]: Current of -Y Panel, [OO]: Current of +Z Panel, [PP]: Current of -Z Panel

Temperature data received from OBC.
[QQ]: Temperature of +X Panel, [RR]: Temperature of -X Panel, [SS]: Temperature of +Y Panel,
[TT]: Temperature of -Y Panel, [UU]: Temperature of +Z Panel, [VV]: Temperature of -Z Panel

Temperature and voltage received from OBC.
[WW]: Temperature of FM transmitter
[XX]: voltage of secondary batteries
[YY]: voltage of solar array
[ZZ]: Temperature of secondary batteries
[GG]: the maximum value of RSSI while XI-V is sending XIV3 to XIV6.

the message from OBC

erste empfangene Telemetrie

imgempfangene CW-Telemetrie am 29.10.2005, 0940 UTC – xiv1 02 98 c4

imgempfangene CW-Telemetrie am 29.10.2005, 0940 UTC – xiv2 ed b8 00 65
imgempfangene CW-Telemetrie am 29.10.2005, 0940 UTC – xiv5 83 c1 89 95 90 815
imgempfangene CW-Telemetrie am 29.10.2005, 0940 UTC – xiv6 8f e7 4c 97 71
imgempfangene CW-Telemetrie am 29.10.2005, 0940 UTC – xiv7 everybody-heart-is-one
imgempfangene CW-Telemetrie am 29.10.2005, 1125 UTC – xiv7__a004.9.28.harvest-moon—

xiv5 74 81 83 80 6d 71
xiv6 90 e5 36 88 70
xiv7 what a great guy you are
xiv1 03 45 7c
xiv2 f4 b8 00 6e
xiv3 36 32 84
xiv4 01 01 01 01 01 01
xiv5 6a 75 78 78 67 65

29.10.2005 2146 UTC

xiv4 012001010c01
xiv5 82c78983867f
xiv6 88e8488a69
xiv7 space for human happines

xiv1 d5f149
xiv2 8db8005f
xiv3 363e92
xiv4 012101020b01
xiv5 7dc9878b888c
xiv6 8ae743916a
xiv7 for earth peace harmony

xiv1 d5f1e9
xiv2 8db80051
xiv3 353d97
xiv4 012301030801
xiv5 7acb8793848d
xiv6 8ee7429859
xiv7 everybody's heart is one

xiv1 d5f289
xiv2 8db80043
xiv3 343d9b
xiv4 012a01010201
xiv5 79d087967f8c
xiv6 91e7429d41
xiv7 2004-9-28 harvest moon

xiv1 d5f32e
xiv2 8db8003a
xiv3 343d9e
xiv4 012a01010101
xiv5 79d488977b95
xiv6 93e743a13d
xiv7 space .... 

13.04.2008, 0958UTC



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