Soka University

Four CubeSats launched on May 20, 2010 21:58 UTC together with PLANET-C which belongs to JAXA by H-IIA rocket.

Mission: Earth imaging and image compression

NASA-Catalog: 36575


437.305 MHz CW 0.1 W
437.305 MHz FM, 1k2 GMSK AX.25, 0.8W



Oribital Parameter

Inklination (Grad)          29.966
RAAN                        238.903
Excentrizität               0.0000001
ARGP                        120.725
Umläufe pro Tag             15.90813690
Periode                     1h 30m 31s (90.52 Min)
Semi-major axis             6678 km
Perigäum x Apogäum          300 x 300 km
Mean Anomaly                357.125

Aufgrund der geringen Inklination werden wir NEGAI* in Deutschland nicht empfangen können.


nicht mehr im Orbit


20:33 UTC 437.305 MHz CW-Beacon Thanks Kuge san, JE1CVL and Kasei san, JA1GDE


sound CW beacon

Robert, NH7WN: Shortly thereafter I heard CW at a speed similar to COMPASS on frequency 437.305 MHz. For a short time I tracked Celestrak’s OBJECT A2010:020A at 17 deg. maximum elevation AOS from the west tracking slightly to the SE. The signal was fading severely and I was unable to make any reasonable copy. Characters I did hear appeared to be:
1… (numbers) DDEFE0 EG CO/710

Very difficult with D700 (FM/Fades and 5 KHz steps in Doppler!!!): BUT something was there where Celestrak said OBJ. A would be !! No packets heard: Only CW. Time 2051Z; azimuth 224 deg at 17 degs elevation

On May 29, 2010 I made an exciting experiment together with my friend Tetsu san JA0CAW. Since we can not hear NEGAI* in Central Europe we established a live link between our stations. Tetsu gave me access to his PC via remote control (VNC) and I could control his transceiver. We established a second connection via skype for audio.sound CW beacon of NEGAI via skype

The audio quality was excellent and I could hear NEGAI at a 10 deg pass over the Pacific Ocean. Thank you Tetsu san.