Zhou Enlai

Nanjing University of Science and Technology

Satellite Status NORAD Uplink Downlink Beacon Mode Callsign Reports Info IARU freq coord Telemetry Decoder
ZHOU ENLAI ACTIVE 43156 437.640 9k6 BPSK BI4ST latest report details YES*

* coordinated downlink frequency for telemetry is 437.350 MHz and for SSTV is 436.950 MHz

The Huaian ‘Zhou Enlai’ satellite is China’s first nano-satellite with the involvement of primary and middle school students. The satellite, named after late Premier Zhou Enlai, was developed in Huai’an Youth Comprehensive Development Base in east China’s Jiangsu Province.

With a launch mass of 2 kilograms, this CubeSat-2U satellite is equipped with a HD optical camera, it can capture images with the highest resolution among those shot by other Chinese satellites for scientific education purpose.

The students that participated in the project had taken their spare time to join the development and ground-based simulation performance of the satellite, and had learned to assemble and practice voice data transfer and telecommunication applications. The project was approved in 2016.
Source: https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2018/01/long-march-11-multiple-satellite-launch/


1:Fm BI4ST To BI4ST-1 [UTC:08:55:37R] Hi , I am ASES SPACE!
1:Fm BI4ST To BI4ST-1 [UTC:08:55:57R] Hi , I am ASES SPACE!
1:Fm BI4ST To BI4ST-1 [UTC:08:56:07R] Hi , I am ASES SPACE!
1:Fm BI4ST To BI4ST-1 [UTC:08:56:17R] Hi , I am ASES SPACE!
1:Fm BI4ST To BI4ST-1 [UTC:08:56:37R] Hi , I am ASES SPACE!

RF spectrum 437.640 MHz

audio 9k6 BPSK beacon interval 10 sec

SoundModem by UZ7HO – BPSK-G3RUH 9600 – Ver. 0.04b

Zhou Enlai (initially know as Huai’An 1, HA-1) is a 2-Unit(10*10*20cm)cubesat. The mass is about 3kg, 3-axis stabilized. There is a deployable combined antenna for UHF/VHF. The subsystems within the satellite provide the following functions: communication, electric power supply (eps), on-board data handing (obc), attitude determination and control (adcs), structure and thermal control, and payload. The peak power of HA-1 is 8W which is provided by deployable solar array. The capacity of the Li-ion batteries is 8 Wh. Power consuming of each section is following: OBC 0.8W, EPS 0.3W, ADCS 1.2W, UV transceiver 4W. The minimal power margin is more than 20% while in sunlight.

Zhou Enlai is mainly used for teenagers in Huaian to carry out activities related with amateur radio and aerospace science education. The cubesat is equipped with amateur radio repeater and SSTV(Slow Scan Television) component, which is to validate still image transmission in narrowband voice channel.
There is an SSTV beacon, which put Date/Time/Location information/temperature etc on a SSTV picture. Amateurs worldwide can also use HA-1 to test SSTV via the cubesat.

Zhou Enlai – 1 May 2018 – high spin rate – thanks Tetsu san JA0CAW for I/Q file




A Long March 11 rocket launched from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre at 04:12 UTC on January 19, 2018.