
Southern Regional Space Research Center

NanosatC-Br 1 is the first Brazilian CubeSat project, developed at the Southern Regional Space Research Center (CRS/CCR/INPE-MCT) in collaboration with the Space Science Laboratory of the Federal University of Santa Maria (LACESM/CT – UFSM). The 1U CubeSat carries an ISIS U/V transceiver with 1200 bps FM AX.25 UHF command uplink and a 9600 bps BPSK downlink on 145.865 MHz. The payload instruments of the NanosatC-Br 1 consists of:

  • A magnetometer to measure the intensity of the Earth Magnetic Field at the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly (SAMA) region and on the Brazilian sector of the Ionosphere Equatorial Electrojet (EEJ)
  • A particle precipitation chip dosimeter

NASA-Catalog: 40024


145.865 MHz USB 1k2 BPSK AX.25





Orbital Parameter

NORAD                   40024
COSPAR designator       2014-033-Q  
Inclination             97.978
RA of A. Node           132.439
Eccentricity            0.0014872
Argument of Perigee     70.010
Revs per day            14.85387641
Period                  1h 36m 56s (96.93 min)
Semi-major axis         6 991 km
Perigee x Apogee        602 x 623 km
BStar (drag term)       0.000158950 1/ER
Mean anomaly            290.277


BPSK Normal Mode beacon
from NCBR1 to NCBR1 
  1  > 42 AA 08 00 38 38 7E 7F 42 AA 08 00 01 06 DE 1F D1 00 0B 00 
  21 > 13 0E C5 0E 60 12 99 00 00 00 49 02 D7 00 11 A0 78 CC 58 B1 
  41 > ED B3 3E 88 78 72 71 5D 29 C2 BE 00 80 0D 37 B3 CA 70 3E 09 
  61 > 01 40 00 9F 01 C8 03 53 00 F9 02 B4 00 EE 01 C8 30 22 02 22 
  81 > 02 21 02 21 02 4B 15 00 00 34 01 39 17 4A FB 5F 04 FF FF FF 
 101 > 0A 00 00
CW SAFE Mode beacon
b1 xarhkbzz
b1 warhkbzz
b1 xaehkbzz
b1 xaehkbzz
b1 warhkbzz

CW SAFE mode beacon
