Byte Name:TLM Addr:Bit7:Bit6:Bit5:Bit4:Bit3:Bit2:Bit1:Bit0:Notes:
Temporary#180        Used by 2Mux handler. Note: 2MUX[i] commanded with #NN i !S
EPU Configuration#181Output Valve COutput Valve BInput valve A Flow Cntl. 2, Valve BFlow Cntl. 1, Valve CEPU runGas generator on#01 = EPU Configuration + Gas Generator on
LIU Power#1821 = on0 = on 1 = on0 = on1 = on0 = on1 = on0 = on#AA = LIU power on, all else is OFF
EPU – Power#1831 = on0 = on1 = on 0 = on1 = on0 = on1 = on0 = on#AA = EPU power on, all else is OFF
X-Tx Control#184TWTA C1TWTA C0  AGC 3AGC 2AGC 1AGC 0TWTA C1 = helix overcurrent limit override
TWTA C0 = filament boost on control
EPU – Current#185        #32 = 80% current; 0 = highest current 
CURRENT = 10.337 – 0.0366 * X
EPU – Flow rate#186        #00 = min flow rate 
Wheel power#187 EPU config. On EPU config. On Wheel 3 power onWheel 2 power onWheel 1 power onNOTE: before turning wheel power on, speed must be set to #5FFE (0)NEVER TURN OFF 28V-S with wheels running. Wheels must be despun to #5FFE#50 = EPU configuration ON, 50… 57
Experiment control #188Cdex power onCdex cntrl. on B cam onA cam on Mon Rx onGPS onRudak onARU onFor Monitor preamp to be on 21/24 MHz Rx must be on
Antenna control#189    Lband higain preamp onLband omni preamp onU rx to omni, U tx to higainV rx to omni, V tx to higaintelem. addr #129 for antenna R1 position
SEU ES Sensitivity#18A2.4 mV1.2 mV600 mv300 mV150 mV75 mV37 mV20 mVHysteresis = 200 mV
Threshold = 600 mV
PSU Relay control#18B    auxillary heater oncharger on aux/mainaux battery onmain battery onif bit0 & bit1 = 0
then aux and main battery ON. Charger charges whichever batteries are NOT on active. 
NOTE: The heater must be toggled on and off every 20 mS to function.
Battery voltage offset#18C        if X<64 then X+=256 ; Offset = 0.04*X + 17.76
BCR-1 Array voltage#18D        if X<128 then X+=256 ; Offset = 0.10*X – 5.6
voltage offset
BCR-2 Array voltage#18E        if X<128 then X+=256 ; Offset = 0.10*X – 5.6
voltage offset
BCR-3 Array voltage#18F        if X<128 then X+=256 ; Offset = 0.10*X – 5.6
voltage offset
SS1 (count)#190        C=255 or C=0, PLL locked. Sun-Sensor angular position oscillator, Slit antenna side.
SS2#191        Time offset from SS-1, counts
SS-Flags#192      SS2 flagSS1 flag 
Spin-count, raw#193        Updated every 20ms
Sensor ctrl (OUT7) – Beacon#1947,6 bits: (MSB,LSB)
00 – Sun data
01 – spin ref./spin countr
10 – ES lower beam
11 – ES upper beam
7,6 bits: (MSB,LSB)
00 – Sun data
01 – spin ref./spin countr
10 – ES lower beam
11 – ES upper beam
EB is PSK source for GBRanging is PSK source EB onDPSK offFSK/GBGB off 
Schiel-Korrektur#195        SS correction (see also #1DD)
Z – last lower ES pulse#196         
Orbit# – last lower ES pulse#197        Orbit# MOD 256
Z – last upper ES pulse#198         
Orbit# – last upper ES pulse#199        Orbit# MOD 256
ES lockout range#19A        Within +- C counts from sun sensor pip, earth
sensor handler ignores data (Spin count 1 circle = 256 counts.)
ES1 lower beam (+X)#19B        Spin count at edge selected, lower beam.
Update flag 1, lower beam (+X)#19C        Indicates updating, lower beam. Alternate: when in 3-axis mode means +X in view
ES2, upper beam (-X)#19D        Spin count at edge selected, upper beam.
Update flag 2, upper beam (-X)#19E        Indicates updating, upper beam. Alternate: when in 3-axis mode means -X in view
Sensor mode#19F       1 = spin, 0 = 3-axis 
Modus#1A0      1 = magnet on 1 = undespun magnet 
M-SOLL#1A1        magnet vector desired angle to the despun Sun
(clockwise as seen from top, 1 circle = 256)
M-Out#1A2   IR (laser) beaconMagnet on
-called by binary IPS magnet controller
current polarity, arm 3called by binary IPS magnet controllercurrent polarity, arm 2called by binary IPS magnet controllercurrent polarity, arm 1called by binary IPS magnet controller 
Z – fraction lo (LSB)#1A3        Fractional Z increment in 20ms
Z – fraction hi (MSB) .256#1A4        Counts down to 0 from preset value. 255th Z has different value of Z-FRAC.
~8046 counts/Z for 11.44 hour orbit
Z (MA) counter#1A5        0 to 255 MA
Orbit# (LSB)#1A6        Orbit#, LSB
Orbit# .256 (MSB)#1A7         Orbit#, MSB
UHR – 1/100 sec#1A8         
UHR – secs#1A9         
UHR – minutes#1AA         
UHR -hours#1AB         
UHR -days (LSB)#1AC         
UHR – days.256 (MSB)#1AD         
SU0 – 1/100 sec#1AE         
SU0 – secs#1AF         
SU0 – min (LSB)#1B0         
SU0 – min.256 (MSB)#1B1         
SU1 – 1/100 sec#1B2         
SU1 – secs#1B3         
SU1 – min (LSB)#1B4         
SU1 – min.256 (MSB)#1B5         
SU2 – 1/100 sec#1B6         
SU2 -secs#1B7         
SU2 – min (LSB)#1B8         
SU2 – min.256 (MSB)#1B9         
SU3 – 1/100 sec#1BA         
SU3 – secs#1BB         
SU3 – min (LSB)#1BC         
SU3 – min.256 (MSB)#1BD         
MUX Flag #1BF        1 = do MUX control
Wheel-1 speed (LSB)#1C0        Speed = 960.0/19.0 * 2.4e6 * (1.0/(C+2.0) – 1.0/24576.0) #5FFE = 0
Wheel-1 speed (MSB)#1C1        Speed = 960.0/19.0 * 2.4e6 * (1.0/(C+2.0) – 1.0/24576.0) #5FFE = 0
Wheel-2 speed (LSB)#1C2        Speed = 960.0/19.0 * 2.4e6 * (1.0/(C+2.0) – 1.0/24576.0) #5FFE = 0
Wheel-2 speed (MSB)#1C3        Speed = 960.0/19.0 * 2.4e6 * (1.0/(C+2.0) – 1.0/24576.0) #5FFE = 0
Wheel-3 speed (LSB)#1C4        Speed = 960.0/19.0 * 2.4e6 * (1.0/(C+2.0) – 1.0/24576.0) #5FFE = 0
Wheel-3 speed (MSB)#1C5        Speed = 960.0/19.0 * 2.4e6 * (1.0/(C+2.0) – 1.0/24576.0) #5FFE = 0
SEU control (LIU/EPU Instr. on) (LSB)#1C62.4 v sun sensor threshold1.2 v sun sensor threshold0.6v sun sensor threshold0.3v sun sensor thresholdLIU + EPU Instr. ONES +Edge selectES-2, 3-axis (top pt.) ES-1, spin (side pt.)#F is 1 solar constant
Bit3 must be 1 to read EPU/LIU pressures
SEU control (MSB)#1C7      45 deg sensor25 deg sensor + omniThis byte needs to be updated in all routines.
Transmitter control (LSB)#1C8 KuTx – EBXTx – low  U tx on – low* S2 tx on* Bit10 must also be set to 1 for the U-band Tx to be in low power mode (see #449)
Transmitter control (MSB)#1C9(15)(14) Ku Tx on(13) X TWTA on(12)(11) S1 Tx on(10) U Tx on(9) V Tx on(8) YAHU on2m Rx must be On to enable the U-band Tx
S2 Tx IF is shared with the Ku Band Tx
Receiver control (LSB)#1CAC Rx onS1 Rx onL2 Rx onnot usedS2 Rx onV Rx on / U Rx off24 MHz Rx on21 MHz Rx onV Rx must be on to enable U Tx
Receiver control (MSB)#1CB        Not used
Matrix control (LSB)#1CC        -see matrix columns at end of syspage for bit functions
Matrix control (MSB)#1CDnot usedcolumn bit C2column bit C1column bit C0    -see matrix columns at end of syspage for bit functions
unused (LSB)#1CE         
unused (MSB)#1CF         
LEILA1 contrl (LSB)#1D00=notch off / 1=notch0=jam off / 1= jam1=IHU cntrl. / 0=Auto0=scan reset, 1=scanthresholdthresholdthresholdthresholdnormal mode = D*, *=threshold (8) ,bent pipe = #1F
LEILA2 contrl (MSB)#1D10=notch off / 1= notch0=jam off / 1=jam1=IHU cntrl. / 0=Auto0=scan reset, 1=scanthresholdthresholdthresholdthresholdnormal mode = D*, *=threshold(8), bent pipe = #1F
spare (LSB)#1D2         
spare (MSB)#1D3         
A/D control (OUT 5)#1D7         
Status ( IN E )#1D9soft error count – bit 2soft error count – bit 1soft error count – bit 0  EPU power S/A = „armed“ (0 = „safe)LIU power on 
Input A/B (LSB)#1DA         
Input A/B (MSB)#1DB         
Korr. count#1DD        in association with #195
Event count (LSB)#1DE        Events, LSB
Event count (MSB)#1DF        Events*256, MSB
Command# (LSB)#1E0        Command#, LSB
Command# .256 (MSB)#1E1        Command# * 256, MSB
Pl#1E2        counter in GB handler, RTTY
ph#1E3        counter in GB handler, RTTY
N CW speed#1E4        no. of 20ms per dot, morse speed.
n CW speed#1E5        running count of units for morse.
Status#1E6        do not use
OUT 7, temp#1E7        OUT7, temp only
M#1E8        Out7, temp. only
E-Flags#1EDSun Angle > limitHigh temp. – transponderCommand loss (watchdog)Battery voltage very lowBattery voltage lowE-FLAGS status (BYTE ONLY)
EXPFLAG (LSB)#1EEPassbandsX TxK TxGPSB CamA CamRF monitorLaserExperiment status in emergency power shutdown.
0=normal, 1=prevented from use
EXPFLAG (MSB)#1EFHeater (fuel tanks)Cedex powerCedex controlRudakIHU-2 
TXFLAG (LSB)#1F0X Tx solid stateU Tx exciterS2 TxTransmitter status in emergency power shut down.
0 = normal, 1 = prevented from use
Matrix column 1, (LSB)#1F2Rudak #1 to S TxRudak #1 to U TxV Rx to Leila #2V Rx to Leila #1V Rx to K +S2 TxV Rx to 3 cm TxV Rx to S1 TxV Rx to U Tx 
Matrix column 1, (MSB)#1F3not usedcolumn#, bit 2 = 0column#, bit 1 = 0column#, bit 0 = 1Rudak #1 to Leila #2Rudak #1 to Leila #1Rudak #1 to K/S2 TxRukak #1 to 3cm Tx 
Matrix column 2, (LSB)#1F4U Rx to S1 TxU Rx to V Tx21/24 Mhz Rx to Leil#221/24 Mhz Rx to Leila#121/24 Mhz Rx to K/S2 Tx21/24 Mhz Rx to 3cm Tx21/24 Mhz Rx to S1 Tx21/24 Mhz Rx to V Tx 
Matrix column 2, (MSB)#1F5not usedcolumn#, bit 2 = 0column#, bit 1 = 1column#, bit 0 = 0U Rx to Leila#2U Rx to Leila#1U Rx to K/S2 TxU Rx to 3cm Tx 
Matrix column 3, (LSB)#1F6S1 Rx to U TxS1 Rx to V TxLeila#1 to Leila#2Leila#1 to Leila#1 
(? used)
Leila#1 to K/S2 TxLeila#1 to 3 cm TxLeila#1 to U TxLeila#1 to V Tx 
Matrix column 3, (MSB)#1F7not usedcolumn#, bit 2 = 0column#, bit 1 = 1column#, bit 0 = 1S1 Rx to Leila#2S1 Rx to Leila#1S1 Rx to K/S2 TxS1 Rx to 3 cm Tx 
Matrix column 4, (LSB)#1F8Leila#2 to U TxLeila#2 to V TxRudak#2 to Leila#2Rudak#2 to Leila#1Rudak#2 to K/S2 TxRudak#2 to S1 TxRudak#2 to U TxRudak#2 to V Tx 
Matrix column 4, (MSB)#1F9not usedcolumn#, bit 2 = 1column#, bit 1 = 0column#, bit 0 = 0Leila#2 to Leila#2 (?used)Leila#2 to Leila#1Leila#2 to K/S2 TxLeila#2 to S1 Tx 
Matrix column 5, (LSB)#1FAGB to U TxGB to V TxEB to Leila #2EB to Leila#1EB to 3 cm TxEB to S1 TxEB to U TxEB to V Tx 
Matrix column 5, (MSB)#1FBnot usedcolumn#, bit 2 = 1column#, bit 1 = 0column#, bit 0 = 1GB to Leila#2GB to Leila#1GB to 3 cm TxGB to S1 Tx 
Matrix column 6, (LSB)#1FCMB to U TxMB to V TxL2 Rx to Leila#2L2 Rx to K/S2 TxL2 Rx to 3 cm TxL2 Rx to S1 TxL2 Rx to U TxL2 Rx to V Tx 
Matrix column 6, (MSB)#1FDnot usedcolumn#, bit 2 = 1column#, bit 1 = 1column#, bit 0 = 0MB to Leila#2MB to K/S2 TxMB to 3 cm TxMB to S1 Tx 
Matrix column 7, (LSB)#1FEL1 Rx to U TxL1 Rx to V TxC/S2 Rx to Leila#1C/S2 Rx to K/S2 TxC/S2 Rx to 3 cm TxC/S2 Rx to S1 TxC/S2 Rx to U TxC/S2 Rx to V Tx 
Matrix column 7, (MSB)#1FFnot usedcolumn#, bit 2 = 1 column#, bit 1 = 1column#, bit 0 = 1L1 Rx to Leila#1L1 Rx to K./S2 TxL1 Rx to 3 cm TxL1 Rx to S1 Tx